News : what is Happening at Subvision Productions
Dome projection footage

In the past year we have started to produce 360 degree footage for dome projection. We were commissioned by both Ocean Wise and The Department of Fisheries and Oceans to create compelling footage and stories to educate audiences on the variety and importance of local Canadian waters. This includes a range of subject such as plankton, marine mammals, salmon etc. As this market continues to develop we will strive to create stunning footage.
ARTIS and “Het Groote Museum”

ARTIS is one of the oldest zoos in Europe located in Amsterdam. One of their most iconic buildings has now reopened after 75 years under the name “Het Groote Museum”. It houses a large exhibition of natural history and its connection with humans. Subvision Productions owner Peter Mieras, born in the Netherlands” visited ARTIS many times a child and is very humbled that he was able to contribute to some of the exhibits with underwater images.
Kelp restoration and education with Ocean Wise

Ocean Wise, the now independent science branch of the former Vancouver Aquarium has worked with Subvision Productions to document and participate in one of their field experiments. “Seaforestation” as they call it is a program that looks to reverse the effects of climate change and urchin overpopulation on the deminishing kelp forests. This is an ongoing project over a number of years and we are committed to maximize our involvement in this important work.
News: Nature documentary for ARTE

A new series called “of trees and forests” was commissioned by ARTE the French/German broadcaster. We had the pleasure to provide the pre production services for the BC episode which included location scouting, service provider selection and arranging licenses and permits needed.
Parks Canada looking for sharks

Parks Canada approached Subvision Productions with a wish list of images of shark species. One of them in particular was hard to find as the shark in question, the bluntnose sixgill shark”only rarely comes up to diveable depths. Because of the work we have done in the past on a survey project on these sharks we were able to supply the images they wanted.
Deep and Dark, filming protected bioherms for government

Subvision Productions was selected as the contracter to setup a shoot and film the fragile and protected sponge bioherms. These millions of years old sponge reefsare home to an amazing array of life. Subvision Productions was approached by a ministry of the Canadian gouvernment based on previous work with them and our knowledge of the ecosystems in the oceans. Rockfish were also part of the contract.
Local broadcaster Knowledge Network

Knowledge Network is a commercial free local broadcast company that uses our footage for so called station IDs in order to bridge time between progams. Subvision Production was approach because of our wide range of subjects
News: Nature documentary for ARTE

Since March 2021 we have been doing production coordination for a documenatry on intertidal life in BC commisioned by ARTE. In September the filming started. Subvision Productions filmed underwater, in the air and provided boat services to the crew. The shoot will end early October.
News: National Geographic Ocean Weirdest:

May 2021: Nation Geographic series “Ocean Weirdest” was looking for intimate footage of mating and reproductive behaviour of squid. Subvision Productions managed to not only film the squid during the night whilst mating but followed the developing paralarvae inside the eggs. It pays to know your subject. For more information contact us .
News: Wild Sounds of Canada:

News: Dec 2020 Most people have an idea Canada looks like — lakes, rivers, oceans, mountains, plains and rainforests. But what does Canada sound like? The new series from Audible Canada answers that question. Sarika Cullis-Suzuki narrates Wild Sounds of Canada, a series that takes listeners on a sound journey across Canada, immersing them in the natural sounds of the nation. From the Yukon Territory to the coastal plains of Newfoundland, each episode is alive with the buzzes, warbles and howls of Canada’s wildlife, allowing listeners to discover the spectacular sounds recorded by a team of researchers during their adventures. Out in December 2020 the audio production “Wilds Sounds of Canada” quikcly became a bestseller on Audible. Peter Mieras (Subvision Productions) was the main sound recordist for the BC episode. “It was a humbling experience to have been part of such a talented team” For more information contact us .
News: Hinterland who is who: Giant Pacific Octopus

June 2020: The sucessful series “Hinterland Who is Who” has a new addition to its tally. A very informative episode on the Northern Giant Pacific Octopus explaines the life cycle and natural history of this very intelligent and resilient animal. Subvision Productions was selected to provide a substantial amount of the natutal underwater footage for the episode. For more information contact us .
News: The Nature of Things; Kingdom of the Tide

February 2020: In the long running CBC series “The Nature of things” a new episode takes a detailed look at the life that thrives in one of the most difficult and challenging coastal ecosystems; the intertidal zone. Titled “The kingdom of the tide” and presented presented by Sarika Cullis-Suzuki, the viewer gets a detailed look at the animals, plants and habitat that make up the coasts of Canada. Subvision Productions was happy to provide additional footage to further enhance the quality of the program. For more information contact us .