Stock footage:

Subvision Productions’ main focus is 4K & HD (underwater) nature stock footage. It grew out of our ability to find, film and offer rare, hard to find and sometimes unique images. The bulk part of our footage is natural history / nature based but environmental and other footage and images are also part of our library. In some cases we can create the footage for you and ensure that you get the exact shot you need. You can try to start with our stock footage channels. It does not contain everything we have. For stock audio you can fill out our contact form and tell us the sounds you are looking for.If you are looking for a specific clip or photograph contact us here.
Audio & visual research

We do not have every possible footage or audio clip in the world. But thanks to our long presence and well established network in the industry we can find audio and visual images that are not offered by traditional brokers. Feel free to send us a message with your footage or audio requirements such as a desription of what you are looking for, formats, length etc. We will connect with our network to try and find exactly what you are looking for.
Our licenses and the associate rates for stock footage and audio are determined by the use of the media. Do you need broadcast world-wide in perpetuity? Or are you looking for a web based use? Just let us know what you need and we wil be happy to give you our best rate.
If you need to reach us in the meantime feel free to send an e-mail to: [email protected] or give us a call at 250 735 5050